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Virtual Reality Gaming And It’s Humble Beginnings

A Short History of Virtual Reality


When we think of virtual reality, words like Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR come to mind. No longer do we have to wait in order immersed in our own virtual world.

As early as the mid-1900s, the concept of panoramic paintings that were created with the purpose to effect a viewer’s entire field of vision, making actually feel like they are present in a particular historical event or scene.

Interestingly enough the idea of virtual reality goggles was actually thought up as early as the 1930s by a science fiction writer by the name of  Stanley Weinbaum.

In his book, Pygmalion’s Spectacles, he depicts a wearer of special goggles as being able to experience a holographical world of reality.

This Idea was actually implemented in the 1950s with the invention of Sensorama. A cabinet style seat which stimulated the senses by means of its stereo speakers, a stereoscopic 3D display, fans, smell generators and a vibrating chair.

Moving on to the 1960s did  Ivan Sutherland wrote a paper he called “the Ultimate Display” in which he described a time that people would have the ability to interact with objects in a virtual world through the use of computers. This would lay the track for what was to follow.

in 1987 when Jaron Lanier, founder of the visual programming lab (VPL) would finally coin the term “virtual reality”. Long before Apple’s iPhone came the EyePhone which was developed by Lanier and his company along with other VR devices like the Dataglove.

Moving on through the 90s companies like Sega announced the development of new VR glasses but never released to the public.

Since we have created faster processors, and unlimited memory, the very foundations have been laid for current technology to rapidly improve its real life quality effects.

Virtual Reality Today


The future of virtual reality gaming is now. Certainly there is a growing demand for this new way to experience gaming, movies and any other simulation we can find useful with such technology.

Especially due to the fact this these types of devices are becoming ever more affordable and easy to use just about anywhere, makes them so enticing to the next generation.

So far sound and 3D visual have been the key focus on the most popular products like the PlayStation VR and the Samsung Gear VR.

As an April Fools Day joke, ThinkGeek announced the release of the VR Sensory Immersion Generator that would bring in the senses of smell and touch.

The system would require a partner who is directed as to how they would provide the “effects” by means of the devices accessories, like a fog machine.

They may have fooled a few people into believing, only because of the fact that such technology is anticipated and expected.

The uses for VR are not limited to gaming. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it will virtually change the way we do a lot of things.

It is already gaining popularity with different forms of training that can be replicated without the effects or dangers of certain circumstances.

The evolution of virtual reality and the addition to other senses like smell and touch remain to be seen, but know for sure that this is the direction we are headed. So stay tuned.

Just for fun we added the sales video for the VR Sensory Immersion Generator, enjoy!